

Meet the Style Discovery Workbook, your trusted companion on the journey to unlocking your true style potential.


Consider this workbook as your partner in self-discovery, confidence-building, and crafting a wardrobe as unique as you. Packed with practical exercises, tips, and tools, it effortlessly guides you through defining and refining your style step by step.

From exploring your fashion preferences to dressing your your body shape, and wearing colour, I've got you covered. No trends or boxes here – the Style Discovery Workbook is all about celebrating you! Discover your authentic style and wear it with confidence.

Turning each page, you'll gain insight, clarity, and a newfound sense of self-assurance that extends beyond your wardrobe .

The workbook contains 7 core elements: Style goals, Style Personality, Shape & Proportions, Colour, Outfits, Wardrobe (Including creating a Capsule) + Evolving Your Style.

✓90 Pages of style Wisdom:

A digital treasure trove filled with practical exercises, savvy tips, and valuable insights to redefine your style, one step at a time.


Nail your style profile, analyse your body shape, choose your colour palette, and identify your style personality with our stack of detailed worksheets.


Seamlessly enjoy the workbook on Apple Books, GoodNotes, or your preferred digital tool for a smooth and engaging style exploration.

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Revisit, revise, and revamp your style journey whenever you fancy – the workbook is yours to keep and cherish.

“The Style Discovery Workbook is an absolute gem! This workbook has revolutionised how I approach my personal style. The clear and user-friendly design, combined with insightful exercises, feels like having a personal stylist right by my side. What sets it apart is the accessibility to Numba's expertise – being able to tap into her knowledge through this workbook is just fantastic! The prompts and worksheets allowed me to define my unique style with confidence. It's a must-have for anyone seeking a stylish transformation with expert guidance at a fraction of the cost!”

— Sophie M, London

Q: What is the Style Discovery Workbook?

A: The Style Discovery Workbook is a comprehensive guide crafted to help you discover and enhance your personal style. It includes practical exercises, prompts, and tools to define your style, analyse your body shape, work with colour and build a functional wardrobe.

Q: In what format is the Style Discovery Workbook?

A: Style Discovery Workbook comes in a PDF file format, easily viewable on various devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Q: Can I print the Style Discovery Workbook?

A: Yes, indeed! The workbook is designed to be printable, allowing you to fill it out by hand if you prefer a physical copy.

Q: How do I access the Style Discovery Workbook?

A: Style Discovery Workbook is a digital product available for instant download upon purchase. After completing the checkout, you'll receive a a link to access the workbook.

Q: How do I add the Style Discovery Workbook to GoodNotes?

A: Simple! Follow these steps:

Download the workbook PDF to your device.
Open GoodNotes and go to your library or desired notebook.
Tap the "+" button to create a new page.
Choose "Import" or "Import PDF" from the options.
Locate the downloaded Style Discovery Workbook PDF and select it.
GoodNotes will import the workbook, and you can start using it seamlessly within the app.

Forget the annoying mail clutter – I'm delivering authenticity straight to your inbox. Get genuine motivation, thought-provoking questions, impactful challenges, and clever styling tips to enhance your style and wardrobe.
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